Signs Your Pet May Have Arthritis

Pet  Arthritis

If you've experienced the aches and pains that come with arthritis, you're not alone. Dogs and cats can suffer from arthritis, too. Since your pet can't tell you where it hurts, or even that it is experiencing pain, it is important to recognize the signs of arthritis in pets from our team at TLC Animal Hospital in El Paso.

Warning Signs

Arthritis in pets is treatable and the sooner you spot the signs, the better. If you notice any of the following symptoms, it's time to schedule a trip to the vet:

Stiffness or difficulty walking: A dog or cat with arthritis may walk stiffly or have trouble standing from a seated position. If you notice your pet is not walking properly or has lost the spring in his step, arthritis could be to blame.

Changes in behavior: If your dog usually loves long walks and playing outside, but seems reluctant to do so, he may not feel up to it. Arthritis can cause a normally active pet to avoid prolonged activity and deprive him of his usual energy.

Weight gain: Diet and lifestyle also impact weight, but a pet that has become more sedentary due to arthritic pain will often gain weight as well. Your veterinarian can help determine the root cause of the weight gain and get your pet back on the path to better health.

Get Help for Your Arthritic Pet in El Paso, TX

Thankfully, arthritis is treatable and can be managed at home. From offering adaptive items like elevated bowls and ramps to treating your pet with medication for pain, you can help him resume an active, healthy lifestyle. We understand the needs of senior pets and are ready to assist you both. If you're concerned about the weight gain, change in activity, or lack of mobility that can be caused by arthritis in pets, call our team today at (915) 592-6200 to schedule an appointment at TLC Animal Hospital.

Pet  Arthritis

If you've experienced the aches and pains that come with arthritis, you're not alone. Dogs and cats can suffer from arthritis, too. Since your pet can't tell you where it hurts, or even that it is experiencing pain, it is important to recognize the signs of arthritis in pets from our team at TLC Animal Hospital in El Paso.

Warning Signs

Arthritis in pets is treatable and the sooner you spot the signs, the better. If you notice any of the following symptoms, it's time to schedule a trip to the vet:

Stiffness or difficulty walking: A dog or cat with arthritis may walk stiffly or have trouble standing from a seated position. If you notice your pet is not walking properly or has lost the spring in his step, arthritis could be to blame.

Changes in behavior: If your dog usually loves long walks and playing outside, but seems reluctant to do so, he may not feel up to it. Arthritis can cause a normally active pet to avoid prolonged activity and deprive him of his usual energy.

Weight gain: Diet and lifestyle also impact weight, but a pet that has become more sedentary due to arthritic pain will often gain weight as well. Your veterinarian can help determine the root cause of the weight gain and get your pet back on the path to better health.

Get Help for Your Arthritic Pet in El Paso, TX

Thankfully, arthritis is treatable and can be managed at home. From offering adaptive items like elevated bowls and ramps to treating your pet with medication for pain, you can help him resume an active, healthy lifestyle. We understand the needs of senior pets and are ready to assist you both. If you're concerned about the weight gain, change in activity, or lack of mobility that can be caused by arthritis in pets, call our team today at (915) 592-6200 to schedule an appointment at TLC Animal Hospital.

TLC Animal Hospital


1851 Lee Trevino Dr,
El Paso, TX 79936

Office Hours


8:00 AM - 5:30 PM


8:00 AM - 5:30 PM


8:00 AM - 5:30 PM


8:00 AM - 5:30 PM


8:00 AM - 5:30 PM


8:00 AM - 12:00 PM



Walk In Hours

In case of emergency or an urgent health need after posted walk-in times, please call or consult with the front desk to check doctor availability


8:00 am - 4:00 pm


8:00 am - 4:00 pm


8:00 am - 4:00 pm


8:00 am - 4:00 pm


8:00 am - 4:00 pm


8:00 am - 10:00 am

